香哈菜谱-精选食谱 家常菜做法大全

香哈菜谱-精选食谱 家常菜做法大全

Food & Drink Lifestyle
Last update
Sep 07, 2021
Beijing XiangHa Network Co,.Ltd Contact publisher
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上香哈,学名厨做菜,每天记录美食,感觉超幸福! 我们这里有100多万道原创高清菜谱,1万多道原创视频菜谱,家常菜、西餐、烘焙菜谱都很全,每天还推荐早中晚餐营养食谱,一家人再也不用愁每天吃啥了。 上万五星好评,超过9000万人的共同选择! 超百万道菜谱,最新热门高清菜谱图文推荐! 香哈菜谱是2018年最受欢迎的菜谱美食社区,用户规模超过9000万人! 【视频菜谱&名厨课】 高清视频菜谱,学做菜更快更嗨!同时,香哈联合中国顶级名厨,共同打造创意新式菜谱,高清视频,娴熟的技法,让你从零可以学会做菜。 【海量菜谱】 100人的美食团队,数十万美食家共同贡献了超过100万道精选菜谱。在这里,不仅有简单易学的家常菜,更有精品专业的烘焙秘方,无论你想学习川菜、湘菜、粤菜、素菜、凉菜、煲汤,还是想做蛋糕、面包、披萨、西餐,各式各样席卷而来的美味做法,让你目不暇接爱不释手。 【兴趣交流】 厨艺、烘焙、减肥、DIY、生活……我们因兴趣而相聚。讨论,提问,观点pk,你可以在这里探讨关于美食的一切! 每天与千万哈友交流切磋美食,随时随地分享美食的快乐,记录自己一步步成长为美食家的历程。 自动续费服务套餐声明】 1. 订阅周期:1个月(连续包月产品),3个月(连续包季度),12个月(连续包年产品)。 2. 订阅价格:连续包月产品为每月3元;连续包季度产品位为月25元;连续包年产品每年12元。 3. 付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes账户。 4. 续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。 5. 取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能。 6. 取消续订步骤:在苹果手机中打开【设置】-进入【iTunes Store 与 App Store】-点击【Apple ID】-选择【查看Apple ID】-点击【订阅】-选择【香哈菜谱】,点击取消订阅即可。 7. 隐私政策:https://appweb.xiangha.com/vip/userPrivacy 8. 自动续费会员服务协议:https://appweb.xiangha.com/vip/serviceAgreement Automatic renewal service statement 1.Subscription cycle: 1 month ( continuous monthly product ), 3 months ( continuous quarterly package ), 12 months ( continuous annual product package ) 2.Subscription price: monthly 3 yuan for continuous monthly products; The continuous package of quarterly products is located in the monthly 25 yuan. Continuous annual package products 12 yuan 3.Payment: after the user confirms the purchase and makes payment, it will be credited to the itunes account. 4.Introduction to renewal rules:Apple itunes account will deduct fees within 24 hours before member expires.Once the deduction is successful, the validity period of the member will automatically extend one subscription period. 5.Cancellation of renewal fee:If you need to cancel your subscription, please do so 24 hours before the current subscription period expires.Turn off automatic renewal manually in itunes / apple id settings management.If cancelled within 24 hours before the expiry date, a renewal subscription fee will be charged. 6.Cancel renewal step:Open [ settings ] in the apple phone - enter [ itunes store and app store ] - click [ apple id ] - select [ view apple id ] - click [ subscribe ] - select [香哈], and click unsubscribe 7.Privacy policy: https://appweb.xiangha.com/vip/userPrivacy 8.Automatic renewal service agreement: https://appweb.xiangha.com/vip/serviceAgreement



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