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S Weather Now °, planiranje svakodnevnih aktivnosti je lakše nego ikad prije: jednostavno provjerite vremensku prognozu koja će se temeljiti na vašoj geolokaciji! Uživajte u pogledu na prekrasne vremenske pozadine koje prognozu čine vizualnom poput same prirode. VREMENA U SVIJETU - Točne 24-satne i sedmodnevne prognoze i lokalno vrijeme za više lokacija u cijelom svijetu; - šarene vremenske scene koje odražavaju vremenske uvjete, vrijeme i vedrinu dana; - upozorenja i upozorenja o lošim vremenskim prilikama da biste dobili poprište o teškim vremenima u vašem području; - Indikator sunca i mjeseca: Dnevno postavljanje sunca i vrijeme izlaska sunca NEVIDLJIVI DETALJI - Današnja temperatura Min, Max i "Feels Like"; - Tlak u inčima, mm, kPa ili mbar; - Podaci o oborini i vlazi; - brzina i smjer vjetra; - Vrijeme izlaska / zalaska Sunca i Mjesečevog izlaska / zalaska Mjeseca; - Podaci o točki rosišta; - Prohladnost vjetra; - Fahrenheit / Celzijus i milje / kilometri; - 12 ili 24-satni format vremena; - Putujući? Vidjet ćete zastavu zemlje u kojoj se nalazite; Jednostavnost upotrebe Dohvati vrijeme ° i uživaj u točnim vremenskim prognozama! Imajte na umu da neke dodatne značajke u osnovnoj (besplatnoj) verziji podliježu ograničenjima (npr. UV indeks, Sunce i Mjesec, Vidljivost itd.). Ta ograničenja također su podložna promjenama. With Weather Now°, planning your day-to-day activities is easier than ever before: simply check the weather forecast which will be based on your geolocation! Feast your eyes on the breathtaking weather backgrounds that make the forecast as visual as nature itself. WEATHER AT A GLANCE - Accurate 24-hour and 7-day forecasts and local time for multiple locations all over the world; - colorful weather scenes reflecting weather conditions and the time and brightness of the day; - Bad weather warnings and alerts to give you a heads up about severe weather in your area; - Sun and moon indicator: Daily Sun Set and Sun rise timing - high GPS accuracy to detect your location and surrounding area. - Country flag based on your real GPS location. Fun to see flags of countries your visiting while teleporting in a train in Europe - Sunset and sunrise time. Daylight and night percentage INSIGHTFUL DETAILS - Today's Min, Max and "Feels Like" temperature; - Pressure in inches, mm, kPa or mbar; - Precipitation and humidity info; - Wind speed and direction; - Sunrise/Sunset and Moonrise/Moonset time; - Dew Point info; - Wind Chill; - Fahrenheit/Celsius and Miles/Kilometers; - 12 or 24-hour time format; - Travelling? You’ll see the flag of the country you’re at; SIMPLICITY OF USE The best weather app ever. This app shows you very valuable weather and time information that helps you in your daily live and while travelling. The weather forcasts shows you full weather details for the next 10 days, including pressure, rainfall, rain precipitation, tempruture mesurment, winds, humidity, Hygrometer, Barometric pressure, clouds level. The app shows you accurate daylight and night precentage with accurate time for sunrise and sunset. pefect as day to day tool to plan your daily activity. The outdoor temperture is mesured in all international units and it is detected based on your current location based on the GPS signal. You can manually change the mesure unit to Metric or Imperial at any time. The app support the top 34 languages and it will automatically open with your native language for better experiance. The app is connected to multiple sattelites and weather channels API to bring you the most accurate up to the moment weather and rainfall forcasts. You can refresh the weather manually. Get Weather Now° and enjoy accurate weather forecasts!