Chloe Lover 99
Mar 21, 2018
I like this game, but you should have instructions for newbies at the game. It was hard for me to understand for the first half hour or so. You should have a turtorial and how to change the background and all of that! You should be able to change your ball into animals and stuff like that, we should also be able to make ourselves jumping around. We can choose skin color, hair, an outfit and our faces. We should be able to make ourselves talk if we are happy that we got a good score, and talk sad or even mad if we got a really low score like 15. So... there are a couple fixes and changes you should make, but overall, the game is okay and I will keep playing!
Edit: also, there is WAYYY to many adds in my liking! It is a little bit sensitive too. We should be able to choose a mode like hard, easy and medium
Edit: another thing you should do is have less diamonds. The need of that is because they should be worth 5 points and the harder it gets the harder it is to get the diamonds. They should also had 5 points to them every time the splatter things change color