Ratings & Reviews performance provides an overview of what users think of your app. Here are the key metrics to help you identify how your app is rated by users and how successful is your review management strategy.
Skich is a new way to discover mobile games. Join our gaming community and see what your friends and influencers are playing or want to play PERSONALIZED RECOMMENDATIONS Skich will match you with games based on your interests in various genres, ranging from Hack & slash to MOBA. YOUR OWN GAMELISTS Add games to Wishlist, Played list or create your own TOP-games collection. FRIENDS ACTIVITY Invite and follow your friends to see their gaming activity: what they want to play, played and how they rate games. PRE-RELEASES Subscribe to the most anticipated games to find out about their release first. GAME CARDS Сards with gameplay screenshots and videos will help you to understand whether you like the game or not in mere seconds. REVIEWS Rates and reviews made by other users will help you find interesting games even faster. Featured by App Store – “New and Trending Apps” “Simply lets you match with games you like” – Tech Crunch Join the buoyant community of mobile gamers from all over the world! –––– For all questions and suggestions, write to us at support@skich.app