

Weather Utilities
Last update
Mar 02, 2025
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Get the highest definition tidal current data available in the world, covering 90% of the world's coastlines along with full global ocean current maps. Highly accurate Tidal Currents maps in your local area. Using advanced 3D computer modelling, our team of oceanographers have created tidal current maps with unparalleled accuracy and definition. The unique Dashboard view quickly shows wind against tide, using the highly accurate ECMWF wind forecasts along with the unique high resolution tidal currents which has the speed and direction of the tide at any time in the next 10 days. The Dashboard also shows wave height and direction. You can also see the tide height and tide cycle for the coming week. The map view of the tidal currents animates and displays detail of the water movement around the coastlines and islands like you have never seen before. The tide maps can be seen in different resolutions, with the most detail of tides seen in the 100m resolution for areas with strong tidal currents. The 400m and 4km cover nearly all of the world's coastlines, which are blended with ocean currents for full global coverage. In the map view you can also access detailed wind maps, wave maps which are animated showing the next 10 days of forecast data. You can also check the sea temp with the SST map. The tables view gives you access to a full range of tide and weather data that can easily be compared on an hour by hour steps. For every hour in the 10 day forecast you can see wind against tide warnings for the specific location you have set. The tide direction and strength is shown in hourly increments. The tide height, for high and low tide throughout the forecast is also displayed with the solunar shown right next to tide heights. Terms & Conditions: Privacy Policy:


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