PornBlocker App

PornBlocker App

Last update
Sep 17, 2021
RUSAGROTERMINAL31, OOO Contact publisher
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PornBlocker App Worried that your Internet surfing children could accidentally expose themselves to mature and inappropriate content such as porn? PornBlocker App lets you browse the web safely in safari by blocking millions of porn sites and explicit content. PornBlocker App help you to stay focussed and not let you distract to look for porn. It is great tool to protect your kids from looking at porn. - Safari Integration Works in your Safari browser seamlessly. No other browser needed. - Custom Word Blocking This feature is very useful for people who want to block specific words from their browsers. - Safe Surfing Helps you to keep kids away from adult content by enforcing safe search on major search engines. - Safe Experience The porn blocking functionality blocks all types of adult content with the click of a button. Browse the web safely with no porn sites and explicit content. Protect your phone in one click! DISCLAIMER: PornBlocker App is not guaranteed to block all pornography or adult content online. Although this is our goal, we cannot block everything while enabling a satisfactory web experience. Privacy Policy: Terms Of Use:


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