Keller Graduate - COS
Nov 10, 2019
This is in the puzzle category. Grabbing the random blocks and passing both color goals is not a puzzle, it’s just doing. I only played through level 12, but after 11 levels of the same thing, I moved on. 1 level had a black hole that I had to avoid, that was it. Thought it would get harder after that, but nope, 5 more levels of collect blocks and take them to the goals. No brain power whatsoever.
Developers need to create obstacles, goals, strategies, and failures. That is what a puzzle game is about. If I didn’t go far enough, then you need to introduce it sooner, and it should always be building on top of each other. Level 1, one color, Level 2, two colors. Level 3, black hole. Level 4, colored gates to pass through. Maybe the magnet should only pick up one color at a time and you have to pass through the gate to activate the other color. You could also make a star rating system based on how far you have travelled across the board. Now you have added both a mental element and set a new “solve it in the fewest moves” goal.