I live on the outskirts of a major city and our house has not been updated in about a decade . When I check your schedule it says “ Illawarra area” this year . The “ Illawarra area “ is huge and parts of the illawarra are updated almost every 12 months .
Our street isn’t off the beaten track , in fact we are in the fastest growing area of the Illawarra , yet homes in our street which are very well established , some even on their first overhaul renovation since being built are still showing vacant blocks of land on your Google Earth app . Considering many finance companies and tradespeople use your app to do remote quotes and evaluations I find it poor form for you to have our homes looking like they did 10 years ago .
I’ve tried leaving comments on your page , I tried reporting issue , I’ve tried everything but you guys just don’t respond or acknowledge my communications .
So now it’s just frustrating and has left me of poor opinion of your app . It’s useless to me . I’ve read your forums , following the advice from your superusers just leaves everyone coming back in a big circle to the same result which is , “ sit and wait and hope they’ll be around one day .. OR go out and take a pic and try to upload it ... yeah na , sorry .
Maybe when you realise that Kanahooka Australia 2530 is part of Earth then maybe I’ll consider coming back . Even Apple frequent the area more than you .