American Heritage® Dictionary

American Heritage® Dictionary

14,99 €
Reference Education
Last update
Sep 03, 2021
Enfour, Inc. Contact publisher
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*NOTE: there is a newer version of American Heritage® Dictionary available on the AppStore. Tap on the "Enfour, Inc." link for AHD5. The entire 2,074 page, 7.5 pound dictionary with its nearly 300,000 terms –plus 64 thousand recorded sound files by native speakers -all available instantly at your fingertips. ________________________________________ "In the battle of the Big Three dictionaries, American Heritage® stands out on iPhone" (4 mice) — MacWorld ________________________________________ More than 33,000 written examples, totaling 4,222,000 words, makes this largest mobile dictionary on ANY platform The indexes alone are larger than most brand-name dictionaries. Even without the sound files, AHD would still be the largest dictionary in the AppStore. Main Features: ● the entire text of this best selling book ● complete front matter and appendices ● three-way cross-referencing search ● real-time progressive look-up ● wildcard pattern searches (with * ?) ● spelling suggestion dictionary included ● internal hyperlinking & supports copy/paste ● pop-up pronunciation symbols chart ● IPA pronunciation symbol conversion ● etymology (word history) with root links ● professionally recorded sound files ● zoomable graphics ● fallback online search for esoteric or archaic words and the latest slang ● unique two-way external application interaction — first iPhone dictionary with external linking and now most advanced! ● 3D Touch support ● DarkMode support ● iPad multi-screen and Drag & Drop ● iPhone 12 & iOS14 support ● bookmarks with editable notations ● automatic search history ● complete offline use - no Internet connection The renowned American Heritage® Usage Panel, a group of more than 200 distinguished writers, scholars, and scientists, offers advice on problems of grammar and style; engaging notes explain word histories and clarify differences among synonyms; thousands of quotations and example sentences show words in context; and elegant definitions are enhanced by numerous full-color photographs, drawings, and maps, making this one of the most complete reference tool available on any mobile platform. Reviews for the application: "As apps go, only Enfour’s American Heritage® Dictionary stands out for its graphic appeal and functionality. Although I was pleased to have so much lexical firepower in such a compact form, I was annoyed at how poorly the other dictionaries present on the platform." (4 mice) — MacWorld Editor's Choice. ranking = "Great" — MacLife Reviews of the print version: "The Best Dictionary...Designed to appeal to the eye as well as the mind, it is notable for its imaginative illustrations....This is a great family dictionary, and ideal for schoolrooms." — The Courier Journal "This dictionary, now in its fourth edition, makes it fun to look up definitions of words....This up-to-date and eminently useful dictionary features a fabulous full-color design that quickly and effectively guides users to the information they seek." — Library Journal ________________________________________ The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. ________________________________________ Powered by Enfour's "UniDict® Engine 11" —thesaurus links work with these products: "Roget's II: New Thesaurus" "Companion Thesaurus" "Companion Synonyms" and many more


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